about to change the way
you publish on the web

check our examples

about RAJ Web development

RAJ, That's me Richard Alexander Jucewicz. I have been working in the IT industry for many years. Until a few years ago I organised Software Trainings for large organisations. I changed careers and learnt a lot about web development. Enough to get started. My ambition is now to assist the small businesses and self employed people with fast, functional, appealing and affordable websites.

Some of the websites

below you see a number of websites we provide. They are based on free templates. and are very fast.

Products & Services

Ranging from Affordable appealing template sites to fully custom made websites. and Services to help speed up your website and increase sales, visitors.


from template websites to custom made products. starting from 125 euro!

increase speed & chance more sales

nowadays a fast website is more and more important. you can loose more than 40% of your visitors if your site takes more than 3 seconds to load. Faster sites are also easier to find. Search engines like Google favor faster sites over slower ones. Because they see the speed of the website as a crucial factor for user experience. Your site might be fast in one region but much slower in another one. Get more visitors and having them spend more time on your site and increase your chances of conversions / sales by increasing the speed of your internet pages. check the speed of your web pages and read more ...

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